Andrea Henderson is a recently divorced mother of a struggling fourteen year old son who has moved into her parent’s lake home to start a new life with a new job. Mart McClendon is a game warden who has returned to Moses Lake to try to forget a tragedy that he feels responsible for. These two are brought together when a mysterious young girl is seen a reclusive man who lives in the woods.
Moses Lake is quiet and charming town with small town characters that are easy to relate to. It’s the type of community where everyone knows everyone, and everyone pitches in to help when someone is in need. Wingate describes the community in detail. It’s a beautiful setting for this story of healing old wounds and renewed faith. The characters are well developed and compelling.
With a hint a romance, a surly teen, a mystery, and a café where all of this is gossiped about the story moves along at a nice pace and keeps the reader interested. I was a little disappointed that faith was such a minor part of the story. There was a bit of a casual approach to God as well (like calling Him the big man upstairs). Overall, this is a decent book.
I must mention that I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House for review purposes.
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